Nuffnang Malaysia

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I'm not a good blogger although I ♥ to blog ! But bloggie is always opening the ' web-door ' for you when you feel bored ! I'm not good in making friends but I ♥ friends ! My FB is always for me to make new friends ! So add me up ! =) Please help to click on the ads by Nuffnang every single time you're in my bloggie ! It'll help a lot ! You can link me too ! =)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wrong attitude

I should be studying right now but idk why i'm having a blogging mood
so don't block my way ! *push bro away from lappie

Okay , back to the topic
i'm having a fml mood these few days in school , home and everywhere
i love to fight against something that make me erhemm ..
and i don't love being the good person to say sorry first
i always feel that i'm only the right one in the world but i know i'm not
i'm just being myself
doing everythings in my way

i have i lil 'cold war' with my boys in my class
because some lame excuse
and at that time
i feel that who am i to them in their heart ?
just a bullier or what else
i can't deny that i am being jealous towards someone
i was having this feeling since her day and i hope she wont know i'm talking about her
hell ya
i was trying to get attention in class but idk how
i feel that i'm always alone being myself in my world
i wanted to enter ppls world but i feel that they already have their world
so i better being the one who is sitting a corner or next to them and hear them laughing
i was really surprise that she have things from them but not me on our day

On that day
i only found that i can't be like her
i'm not trying to be her
and when i get home
i saw Mr.Chang's cigarette on the table
and i wanted to take one of it to smoke
but i know it can't solve problems

I'm born to have idk-what-to-call attitude and i wish to change
give me time kay ?
give me chance kay ?
i apologize for my behavior
friends back ?

Sorry for posting a emo post
Don't ask me who is the she and are you the she . thanks

Help to click on my adv please and thankiew . =)


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