Nuffnang Malaysia

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I'm not a good blogger although I ♥ to blog ! But bloggie is always opening the ' web-door ' for you when you feel bored ! I'm not good in making friends but I ♥ friends ! My FB is always for me to make new friends ! So add me up ! =) Please help to click on the ads by Nuffnang every single time you're in my bloggie ! It'll help a lot ! You can link me too ! =)

Monday, September 27, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Me

Hello peeps !
i'm a DiGi user and i love being a DiGi user
if i don't like DiGi why should i choose DiGi ?
okay , i know i'm talking nonsense
other than that
everyone knows that DiGi's official color is yellow
and all my friends know that i'm a yellow bitch !
i heart yellow and that's why i love my Spongy
Ngek ! I LOVE SPONGY ! =)

back to the topic
guess what
DiGi is launching iPhone 4 !

 *SCREAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i saw the advertistment of iPhone 4 in the tv and i really wish to have one
really really want !
i'm not used to have an iPhone but i've touch it and borrow from my friend for a look
i really really admired those people outside holding an IPhone or evern an iPad
i'm not suitable for iPad because i think i don't need a big handphone and a small laptop
ngek ! am i correct ????
but i know there's lots of game in iPad
but so what ?
all i want it just iPhone
i'll get a new version iPad when i need it
or Nuffnang just sponsor me one ????? XD
blah !
all i need is just iPhone , babe !

So Nuffnang ~ are you giving me one ???????????
Or i'll come with this look if you don't give me ! haha


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