Nuffnang Malaysia

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I'm not a good blogger although I ♥ to blog ! But bloggie is always opening the ' web-door ' for you when you feel bored ! I'm not good in making friends but I ♥ friends ! My FB is always for me to make new friends ! So add me up ! =) Please help to click on the ads by Nuffnang every single time you're in my bloggie ! It'll help a lot ! You can link me too ! =)

Friday, October 1, 2010

" Half Bucket Water "

In Cantonese
we called it as 半桶水
okay . what a weird translation
" half bucket water " is meant for learning something or doing something but not finishing it
i never finish learning lotsa a things

i used to have ballet class when i'm 7 and i stop it at 11
i never learn lots of the dance because i always think that it's just a waste of time
and for some house problem
i stop it and i'm regret now

not much of my friends know that i learned singing before
and i don't like singing in public 
but for real
i went for some singing competition before
but i never get lots prizes but i got experience =)
i stopped my singing lesson because my house problem too
hmm ... i feel that my sound sounds terrible now . =(

I started my piano lesson at .. erm .. 6 * if i'm not wrong 
for real
i don't love piano lesson because of that teacher
that teacher is kinda fierce sometimes
she used to hit my fingers with a pencil when i play the wrong notes 
and i don't love practicing piano at home
other than that , i hate looking at notes , doing teori , and cycling to teacher's house !
hahaha ! what a excuse !
but i got nice results for my test for piano . =)
i stopped my piano lesson at idk-when and it's also because of house problem
i regret for not paying attention in piano when i have the lesson
because i use to look at my sister playing and writing her own songs and singing while playing

oh yah ! and there's the place i know Caryl ! =)

I learned teakwondo since i went for my standard 1
i love taekwondo and i dropped it when i was going to leave my primary school
and i choosed school band from Form1 till now
i miss those time when i'm going HA ! HA !  , PIAK ! PIAK !
i miss those days when i'm hitting those wood ! really miss !
i wish to continue . =)

FYI , imma percussionist for my school band
i played timpani , xylophone , tambourine and lots more
but i used to play drum and bass but not the drum sets
i'm not that good because i don't love looking at notes as i just mention up there
but i'm not going to quit it ! I SWEAR ! =)

Imma M'sian and i basically know 3 language
Malay  English  Mandarin
My Malay is not so good but i still can speak but i have to think for some times before saying it
and that's why i use to join some Malays in my class for helping me
but i don't think i improved much ! lols   watse of time
my English is not that good
i hope i would speak like a ' white chicks '
and then i always try to use their slang when i talk
lols   i know imma idiot ! x)
and Mandarin
garh ! my Mandarin is like i only knows 5 words in a sentence with 10 words
harhar !
and i do speak Cantonese too
but i speak cacat-ly !
my friends used to laugh when i speak the tome wrongly

I used to learn a lots of things when i'm young till now
and i stopped kinda all the things and i regret for stopping them
so , appreciate what you have now and don't give up

Pmr is just near
and i'm still Facebooking , Twittering and blogging
idk what would be my results . hmm ...

Oh Ya !
wanna thanks Caryl for your ' tight slap '
but i really wish it's your Blackberry !
HAHAHA ! Joking !

Cousin's wedding post coming up !


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