Nuffnang Malaysia

About Me

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I'm not a good blogger although I ♥ to blog ! But bloggie is always opening the ' web-door ' for you when you feel bored ! I'm not good in making friends but I ♥ friends ! My FB is always for me to make new friends ! So add me up ! =) Please help to click on the ads by Nuffnang every single time you're in my bloggie ! It'll help a lot ! You can link me too ! =)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Life

OMFG ! I'm stuck in the iPhone 4 !
Hey there !
cellphones are like fashion now
ppl will look at how you wear and when you get your phone out from the pocket
they will be like ARGH ! that girl is so in !
you wont be outdated if you have latest cellphone
and me .
i have one but it's not that famous at these days
sad =(
iPhone 4 will make me more fashion right ?????
Nuffnang right ??????


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Real

iDiG is like having a big big sales
oh god oh god !
i supah proud for being a DiGi user aka YellowBitch
iDiGi have discount like OMG !

For like monthly fee
RM88 RM62 before auto billing and RM58 after auto billing
iGet more monthly free usage have 200 SMSs and 20 MMSs
iGet lowest rate after monthly free usage for SMS is just 10sen and MMS is 20sen
then iGet cheaper calls to F&N ( friends and family ) is up to 6 FnF numbers !
cool right ?!

I am in the hospital now because i just heard this news from Nuffnang
i'm healthy like siao ! haha
but i can get lotsa lotsa good offer from iDiGi if i got the iPhone 4 !
Nuffnang `` Bagi lah saya ~ =)



DiGi iPhone 4 Play

iPhone 4 has lotsa lotsa application !
and i'll gonna choose some to talk
i never seen but i went for YouTube and Google to find them out

1. Gun Range

I think if i really get the iPhone 
my lil bro will snatch the iPhone from me and playing with this game non-stop lorh
because my lil' bro if a fan of playing shooting games like SA, GTA and blah blah
SEE ! i told you he likes gun-ing ! x)
but i also love playing shooting game
i will beg my bro to let me play his shooting game sometimes   lols

2.  Fix Pix
It's a fixing-the-picture game
this application is like 3D
comon' who doesn't like 3D effect without wearing the 3D specs ???
it's fun you know ! =)

3. Monster Dash
this Monster Dash is supah duper cute !
oh ya !
why i love this game so much
idk why i just love cute cute things 
and i saw those monster/zombie in this game
it's like cute to the max !
supah supah supah like it

Love love love !
so Nuffnang ! Give it to me !!!!!!!!! x)
I wanna play !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, September 27, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Me

Hello peeps !
i'm a DiGi user and i love being a DiGi user
if i don't like DiGi why should i choose DiGi ?
okay , i know i'm talking nonsense
other than that
everyone knows that DiGi's official color is yellow
and all my friends know that i'm a yellow bitch !
i heart yellow and that's why i love my Spongy
Ngek ! I LOVE SPONGY ! =)

back to the topic
guess what
DiGi is launching iPhone 4 !

 *SCREAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i saw the advertistment of iPhone 4 in the tv and i really wish to have one
really really want !
i'm not used to have an iPhone but i've touch it and borrow from my friend for a look
i really really admired those people outside holding an IPhone or evern an iPad
i'm not suitable for iPad because i think i don't need a big handphone and a small laptop
ngek ! am i correct ????
but i know there's lots of game in iPad
but so what ?
all i want it just iPhone
i'll get a new version iPad when i need it
or Nuffnang just sponsor me one ????? XD
blah !
all i need is just iPhone , babe !

So Nuffnang ~ are you giving me one ???????????
Or i'll come with this look if you don't give me ! haha


Sunday, September 26, 2010

No time for uploading
will update soon .
be patient please .
xoxo =)

A video of me lip sync LeeHom's songs
erhemm .. Ignore me please ! 

idk why i keep on shaking my head in the second song 
maybe is because idk the lyrics  =P

Monday, September 20, 2010

School starts again

At last my two weeks holiday ends and i can get back to my school life
i don't like to stay at home too long
and i miss my friends too !
miss those time we chit-chat in the class
miss those time we argue in the class
miss those time we make teacher angry
and blah blah blah !
and at last !
i'm back to school ! whee

Baked some cookies yesterday because my cousin sis , Cammile wanna bake
You can't see anything because it's too dark it there
 tadaa !
i can't stop eating them today
my diet plan FAILED ! =(

And today
i laughed like a person who never laugh before
can't stop laughing
and we decided to go to TS on December after PMR !
who wanna join ???? 
Got my duit raya from Nadzrin *thankiew~
i was surprise when i saw this 'angpau' because it's not green
lols   no choice
it's my first time receiving duit raya   for real !
and also got my watch !
i love it !
this is the female one
you can change the color of it and that's why it had given you some different colour
there are only 3 colors to choice , blue , brown and white
i think it's worth to buy this
it's only RM80 !
because marmie is a member of it so it'll be more cheaper .
tell me if you wants ! =)

Wish all having UPSR students can do well in their exams !


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Partay for weekends

Aunt Peggy usually come to our house and bring along her children, Brandon and Cammile
she usually bring them here and have some fun here
and today ,
i've been a babysitter for my brother , Brandon and Cammile to bowling
because non of the adults are free to bring them
so i'm the only one who can handle children in the house
and that's why i'm force to be a babysitter   lols
no photo for it .

I saw this in Mr.Chang's car when i'm going back home
I wanna go because of
Him , Sean Kingston
HIM ! Flo Rida
Colby O' Donis
Mizz Nina

But too bad
i'm under age
i don't care !
3 more years and i can start going for clubbing !
woohoo !

Went to sis's school to bring her for dinner
and i'm fuggly hungry that time
those stupid food came VERY VERY LATE
like a tortoise
but it's worth to wait so long
because those food there it supah duper delicious !
thumbs up !

After that
went home for a lil' party
because aunt Peggy said she wanted to have more fun other than sitting in the house , shaking our legs
Three bottles of Carlsberg and lotsa snack
imma be a fat fat bitch !
Mr.Chang and marmie stopped me for drinking my 4th cup
and i'm so so so moody now
it doesn't mean anything without beer-ing when it's party time
wtf mood now !

I have been some time not blogging about my lifestyle
and i did this post as it
hope it wont be a sleepy post to you   =)

Have to stop here .


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Are You Moist Enough?

Hey there ~
are you moist enough ????????????????
or you have a rough , dry skin like a crocodile ?????????

No more worries !
because Vaseline is here to save the world !
They contains soothing Aloe Vera
it's light-weight moisturizer and it absorbs very quick
they provide refreshing moisture without feeling sticky like the others lotion
it's suitable for any season , any place

Vaseline helps to refresh our skins
and they let your skin feel like the 1st day of Spring everyday

I love my skins lots and they love me too !
use Vaseline everyday and you will throw all your long sleeve shirts
because you will wear non-sleeves shirt to show your sexay , moisture , pure and clean skin
so ,
grab your own Vaseline 
it's like selling everywhere
like Jusco , Watson , Guardian and everywhere's EVERYWHERE !
More information of Vaseline


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hair smell ♥

My hair is my EVERYTHING !
i'm not rich enough to go for hair treatment
and i'm only 15teen , i don't need much hairy hairy thingy on me
as long is my hair is clean and it smells NICE 

What i suggest for you guys , or girls are
♥ Herbal Essences

They have lotsa ' flavor '

I don't prefer this because when i use this ' flavor '
it smells like medicine . * sorry ~ =(
I suggest this !
This is for straight hair !
it have really good smells too ! =)
More information of Herbal Essences

♥ Sunsilk
I'm using Sunsilk recently
the smell's also kinda good .
Me likey ! ♥
More information of Sunsilk

♥ Rejoice
I have 2 friends using Rejoice and one of then is sitting beside me
i used to smell her hair kinda every minute
yea , i'm a weirdo
but the smell of Rejoice is really strong but it smells delicious !  *yumm yumm

♥  Aquolina Pink Sugar Hair Perfume
Hair perfume is for after washing your hair
if you think your hair is not delicious enough
use perfume !

They still have lotsa products that can make your hair smells yum !
get yourself one ! =)


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

微博 ♥

I had just signed up for the latest Chinese version WeiBo 微博
i would not give my Twitter up as well
so i will update 2 of it !

but it's only different with the language
i'm updating my WeiBo by using Mandarin
and Twitter as usual , English =)
follow me up in WeiBo
i need more followers because i don't have 1 now . * don't laugh XP

Just saw something interesting


Sunday, September 12, 2010

There's just no getting over you

At last i'm here
sorry for the hiatus . 
marmie doesn't let me to touch the lappie 
and Mr.Chang brought the lappie to office 
so i have no time for blogging . =(
other than that , 
i have no inspiration for what to blog AGAIN !
i feel don't wanna blog my life style because it'll make you sleep
thrust me !
because it's only gonna be watching TV , going for tuition classes and SLEEP !
if you wanna try what am i saying
it'll start in this post .
scroll down please * PS : get ready your pillow before you fall asleep . =)

10/9 till 12/9
my family went back to my hometown except me and sis
sis told marmie to bring along the lappie because she doesn't want me to play it
she said that no lappie and i'll be studying for my PMR
so guess what ?! I DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH A BOOK
i sat on the sofa watching TV for the whole day
* sorry sis because your plan failed ! XP

Nothing special but i'm 35 minutes late for tuition ! 

Changed my new bloggie banner 
Still okay ?
learn this type of editing from ChanWon

Are you asleep ?
so ,
sweet dream . =)


Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Changed =)

Recently , i have no inspiration for what to blog
but i suddenly found some pictures of me in some of the old folder
and i saw myself now in the mirror
yesh ! I CHANGED A LOT !
i'm no longer wearing that shity-purple-specs
lets pictures tell how much i changed ! =)
*don't be frighten ! x)

I can't remember when is this ..
If i'm not wrong
this ' style ' is from 2007 till 2008

And starting from 2009
i cut short hair !

Other than that
i don't have contact lens
so i have to wear my shity-purple-specs everywhere
and i don't dress myself up looking in the mirror . lols
that means i'm supah dupah UGLY !

Supah ugly i know ! 

And for 2010 !
I finally bought lens , cloths from everywhere , start making-up
and that's the latest me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope my friends wont run away from me because of the first few pictures
and for everyone ,
世上没有丑女人 , 只有懒女人 !
No ugly women in the world , But only lazy women ! *Weird translation . lols
if you just take some time to dress yourself up
you'll be AMAZING !
i won't say i'm pretty now
but i'm sure i'm better than last time ! =)
so girls ! WAKE UP ! don't be lazy !!!!!!! =)

And happy holidays
and for all Muslims
Selamat Hari Raya ! =)
